1. What is meant by a location based service? Explain using the Web applications found on a late model mobile device.
A location-based service (LBS) is an information service, accessible with mobile devices through the mobile network and utilizing the ability to make use of the geographical position of the mobile device. An example of this is the Map/Navigation function or GoogleMaps found in many of today's mobile phones. GoogleMaps will retrieve information on the device's whereabouts and it's surroundings to provide users with a sense of direction by displaying the information on the device's screen as a map. The concept on determining the users position can be done by measuring the phone's distance from the cell-phone towers nearby or using GPS services provide an accurate location of the subject in relation to the services specified by the user.
2. Describe the purpose of Open Mobile Alliance Initiative?
OMAI's main goal is to remove the barriers to global user adoption and to ensure seamless application interoperability while allowing businesses to compete through innovation and differentiation. This is done to grow the market of mobile industry to a new level of inter-operability.
Through OMAI, competition are encouraged through innovation and differentiation, while ensuring the interoperability of mobile service through the entire value chain. 3. What are the main components of a mobile Web services framework?According to The European Space Agency (2008), the components of a mobile web services framework are:
Mobile Server
The Mobile Server is a mobile remote computer, linked to the Internet via an Inmarsat Regional Broadband Global Area Network (RBGAN) User Terminal (UT).
The Mobile Server is a mobile remote computer, linked to the Internet via an Inmarsat Regional Broadband Global Area Network (RBGAN) User Terminal (UT).
The Gatekeeper is placed on the terrestrial Internet, and acts as the sole gateway to the Mobile Server.
The Gatekeeper is placed on the terrestrial Internet, and acts as the sole gateway to the Mobile Server.
RBGAN UT / Thuraya Satellite / RBGAN SAS
The physical connection between the remote web server and the Gatekeeper is established using a Satellite Access Station, a Telecommunications Satellite and a satellite modem.
The physical connection between the remote web server and the Gatekeeper is established using a Satellite Access Station, a Telecommunications Satellite and a satellite modem.
GPS / Data Acquisition system / Web cam
The Mobile Server is connected to a set of peripherals, such as a GPS device, a web cam and/or a Data Acquisition system.
The Mobile Server is connected to a set of peripherals, such as a GPS device, a web cam and/or a Data Acquisition system.
Application server / Client PC
The Gatekeeper handles requests from clients over the Internet.
The Gatekeeper handles requests from clients over the Internet.
4. Visit an airline Web site and search for information on WAP or SMS or 3G mobile application access to the booking airline system. The same services exist in banking. How do they compare?
Companies researched:
Singapore Airlines and Commonwealth Bank
The difference in the services provided on the different business is that, on Banking systems, security is the priority, this can be seen clearly, when opening a connection to the site, which is done through a secure SSL connection. Upon exiting the site, secure information contained in the phone browser's cache are prompted to be removed as to its secure nature. On the other hand, on airline web site, the only concern is having customers having to be able to connect to the system anywhere, so security measures are mainly only implemented on sensitive areas such as booking checkout.
Location-Based Sevice.Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location-based_service Retreived on 28/05/2010
Mobile Web Services Framework (2008).European Space Agency 2008, ESA Telecommunication. From
http://telecom.esa.int/telecom/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=12852 Retrieved on 28/05/2010
http://telecom.esa.int/telecom/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=12852 Retrieved on 28/05/2010
http://www.singaporeair.com Retrieved on 28/05/2010
http://www.commbank.com.au Retrieved on 28/05/2010
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Mobile_Alliance Retrieved on 28/05/201
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