Why use distributed objects? The reason is quite transparent!
Programmers must generally resort to primitive, object-disoriented communication techniques, such as sockets, to build distributed applications. However distributed object technology extends the benefits of object-oriented technology across process and machine boundaries to encompass entire networks. This means that remote objects now appear to programmers as if they were local objects (that is, simple programming-language objects in the same process). This effect is called location transparency.
A transparency occurs when some mechanism causes an obstacle to disappear. This is a software abstraction that allows programmers to cross a computing boundary without having to be aware of the boundary at all, or without performing an explicit transformation. The object's programming interface is identical in all cases.
Distributed objects glossary
This topic is full of acronyms so a short glossary of terms may be useful.
Client: In the world of distributed objects, a slight change is made to the standard client definition for this topic. A distributed object client can be any computing context that invokes operations on the object (sends it a message, invokes a
method etc.).
CORBA: An acronym for Common Object Request Broker Architecture, as set by the OMG. See http://www.omg.org. In the CORBA model, the ORB provides location transparency.
Location transparency: This occurs when an object's client invokes the object's methods in a natural manner, regardless of where the object resides on the network.
Interface: The boundary layer that separates a consumer of an object's service (a client) from the supplier of the object's service (an object implementation).
IDL: Interface Description Language is an abstract interface description
language used to create an IDL file. This is used to map abstract descriptions and to generate the stubs, skeletons, and servants that are actually used when programming.
OMG: The Object Management Group is the technical group that defines a lot of specifications for technologies such as CORBA and UML. At http://www.omg.org – 'The Object Management Group (OMG) is an open membership, not-for-profit consortium that produces and maintains computer industry specifications for interoperable enterprise applications.'
ORB: The Object Request Broker is the central technical component, or foundation, on which the other OMG specifications are built. An ORB is any mechanism that mediates between an object and one of its clients, on different computers, using some kind of network communication. The ORB can provide various types of transparency such as programming language transparency, platform transparency and representation transparency.
RMI: Remote Method Invocation.
RPC: Remote Procedure Method.
UML: Unified modelling Language for OO design.
Components and distributed objects
Distributed objects technology raises the level of abstraction for distributed application design and development. A component is a standardised and interchangeable software module that is executable, has a unique identifier and has a well-known interface. Components are important in modern software development because complex programs and applications can be constructed for small, previously developed parts. Component-based design and construction (JavaBeans) provides similar benefits to complex software products. Component developers can deliver their product as a ready-to-use executable function (CORBA and COM+). It is important to distinguish the differences between CORBA as an OMG specification for use with Java, Python and C++, and the layered RMI architecture in Java, and ActiveX controls with Microsoft's DCOM.
Developers of a software package simply plug in the component into the existing software. Interoperability among hardware and software components requires well-defined and widely adopted standards. Software components require similar standards for connections and services. Components located on different machines running different operating systems requires a standard network protocol. Recent work in this area is with using XML with SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol.
ORB programming
ORB programming in Java or Python or C++ etc. all focus on the object's interface. The interface defines what a client can know about an object and how a client may interact with it. A neat feature is that low-level details (network protocols, programming language idiosyncrasies, physical data organisation) on one side of the boundary are hidden from the other side. (So it can be a paradox to describe interfaces as 'hiding' things and providing 'transparencies'.)
As you will see in the Web services notion of contractual agreement later in this course, an interface may also be a contract between an object's client and implementation; and is called a servant.
The servant agrees on the information that will be exchanged in a given operation - a contract to interact between client and object for proper behaviour. CORBA interfaces may be composed from other interfaces through inheritance. This is called IDL programming. The Interface Description Language is used to develop an IDL file that can be used to map abstract descriptions and to generate the stubs, skeletons, and servants that are actually used when programming. Transformation into equivalent constructs in a concrete programming language is useful; the way in which these transformations are made for a particular language is called a mapping for that language. IDL language mappings exist for Java, C, C++, Smalltalk, and Python.
In Java language mapping, as an example, a stub takes the form of a Java interface - which is the Java equivalent of the IDL interface from which it was generated. Stubs are used by clients to invoke operations on target CORBA objects.
Reading the notion of a stub, here is some more information.
Using stubs
Stubs are used by clients to invoke operations on target CORBA objects. In Java language mapping, a stub takes the form of a Java interface, which is the Java equivalent of the IDL interface from which it was generated. An instance of the stub type is used indirectly by a client of a remote object (a consumer of the remote object's service) to invoke operations on the object.
A stub is often called a proxy or surrogate, as it is not the CORBA object itself; it is a Java object that represents the CORBA object and is partly responsible for invoking requests made on itself, to the real target object.
As you can see, CORBA applications can be quite involved, expensive and mostly used by large corporations for developing distributed objects applications for small-to-medium enterprises. The boundaries get fuzzy when a client of one CORBA object may be the server for other objects, and programs are sharing each others' objects in a variety of client/server roles as peers!
Servants are a CORBA interface (package of code) used to build object implementations. It is in a concrete programming language that provides the real behaviour of the object type. A servant is an interface with methods that correspond to the operations in the IDL interface; programmers construct an implementation by deriving a new type from the servant interface, then provide method implementations for the methods inherited from the servant interface. CORBA determines matching servants and stubs from a common interface mapped to the IDL interface, thereby making certain that a given stub/servant pair have identical interfaces.
Skeletons in the closet?
Skeletons are responsible for unpacking the parameters of the request sent by a stub and delivering them to a servant to implement the CORBA operation. They are used to delegate CORBA requests to servants. When the operation is finished, the skeleton must package any results into a reply to send back to the stub.
RMI and CORBA case study: On the road to distributed systems
Tim Austin discussed Java applications with RMI, CORBA and SOAP, and provided the source code for the HelloWorld RMI and HelloWorld CORBA examples as a case study for this Study Guide.
NOTE: You can download a copy of the source code used by Tim in this RMI
and CORBA Case Study at:
http://ispg.csu.edu.au/subjects/workshops/java/rmi and http://ispg.csu.edu.au/subjects/workshops/java/corba
Why bother with distributed systems?
Provision of a new level of automation across business intranets saves money and allows:
· distributed users to work with the same application;
· distributed data sources to be used with the same application; and
· computation to best be matched with machine resources.
What are distributed component architectures all about?
Distributed Component Architectures are designed to allow many machines to work together to form a distributed application. The use of components can allow an organisation to wrap existing 'legacy' applications in forming a new application, using object-oriented principals to make the system operate over a network – therefore reaping the benefits of the OO approach. Like a heavyweight boxing tournament, the contenders are:
· Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
· Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
· Sun's Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
· Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) The newest challenger!
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