ePortfolio Introduction

Hi everyone, welcome to my ePortfolio.

The purpose of creation for this portfolio is to share the knowledge and skills that I have gained in the ITC 594 eSystems Infrastructure Development course. Throughout this course, we discussed in depth about the underlying technologies that supports eSystems as well as techniques and best practices currently in trend in the market.

In this ePortfolio, I have posted the topics that I am learning in the course, exercises related to those topics as well as workshops that covers useful practical exercises as support materials.
The topics section of the ePortfolio contains all the topics found in the study guide. In the Exercise section of this ePortfolio, I have posted the questions found in the study guide, provided with answers I have written and in required topics. I have also provided readers with a Workshop section to hold postings on additional exercises relevant to the course that could be useful.

Readers are very welcomed to comment on any of the postings that I have made on the site. Any recommendations are considered gratefully. I hope that this overall overview of my ePortfolio is sufficient to give first time visitors to this page an insight of the contents inside the site.

Thank you for visiting, have a nice day :)