Sunday, May 30, 2010

Workshop 11 : PHP & MySQL Online Store Pt.2

In this workshop, will continue our discussion on developing an Online store using the records we have created in the previous workshop with the help of some PHP programming.
First, we need to develop the PHP codes to make-up the actual Store.

//connect to database
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "lohky", "welcome") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("lohky",$conn)  or die(mysql_error());

$display_block = "<h1>My Categories</h1>
<P>Select a category to see its items.</p>";

//show categories first
$get_cats = "select id, cat_title, cat_desc from store_categories order by cat_title";
$get_cats_res = mysql_query($get_cats) or die(mysql_error());

if (mysql_num_rows($get_cats_res) < 1) {
   $display_block = "<P><em>Sorry, no categories to browse.</em></p>";
} else {
   while ($cats = mysql_fetch_array($get_cats_res)) {
        $cat_id  = $cats[id];
        $cat_title = strtoupper(stripslashes($cats[cat_title]));
        $cat_desc = stripslashes($cats[cat_desc]);

        $display_block .= "<p><strong><a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cat_id=$cat_id\">$cat_title</a></strong><br>$cat_desc</p>";

        if ($_GET[cat_id] == $cat_id) {
           //get items
           $get_items = "select id, item_title, item_price from store_items where cat_id = $cat_id order by item_title";
           $get_items_res = mysql_query($get_items) or die(mysql_error());

           if (mysql_num_rows($get_items_res) < 1) {
                $display_block = "<P><em>Sorry, no items in this category.</em></p>";
           } else {
                $display_block .= "<ul>";

                while ($items = mysql_fetch_array($get_items_res)) {
                   $item_id  = $items[id];
                   $item_title = stripslashes($items[item_title]);
                   $item_price = $items[item_price];

                   $display_block .= "<li><a href=\"showitem.php?item_id=$item_id\">$item_title</a></strong> (\$$item_price)";

                $display_block .= "</ul>";
<TITLE>My Categories</TITLE>
<? print $display_block; ?>

This code will show the products based on its categories. To view the items listed in the categories, we need these lines of codes:

//connect to database
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "lohky", "welcome") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("lohky",$conn)  or die(mysql_error());

$display_block = "<h1>My Store - Item Detail</h1>";

//validate item
$get_item = "select c.cat_title, si.item_title, si.item_price, si.item_desc, si.item_image from store_items as si left join store_categories as c on = si.cat_id where = $_GET[item_id]";
$get_item_res = mysql_query($get_item) or die (mysql_error());

if (mysql_num_rows($get_item_res) < 1) {
   //invalid item
   $display_block .= "<P><em>Invalid item selection.</em></p>";
} else {
   //valid item, get info
   $cat_title = strtoupper(stripslashes(mysql_result($get_item_res,0,'cat_title')));
   $item_title = stripslashes(mysql_result($get_item_res,0,'item_title'));
   $item_price = mysql_result($get_item_res,0,'item_price');
   $item_desc = stripslashes(mysql_result($get_item_res,0,'item_desc'));
   $item_image = mysql_result($get_item_res,0,'item_image');

   //make breadcrumb trail
   $display_block .= "<P><strong><em>You are viewing:</em><br><a href=\"seestore.php?cat_id=$cat_id\">$cat_title</a> &gt; $item_title</strong></p>
   <table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3>
   <td valign=middle align=center><img src=\"$item_image\"></td>
   <td valign=middle><P><strong>Description:</strong><br>$item_desc</p>
   <P><strong>Price:</strong> \$$item_price</p>";

   //get colors
   $get_colors = "select item_color from store_item_color where item_id = $item_id order by item_color";
   $get_colors_res = mysql_query($get_colors) or die(mysql_error());

   if (mysql_num_rows($get_colors_res) > 0) {
        $display_block .= "<P><strong>Available Colors:</strong><br>";
        while ($colors = mysql_fetch_array($get_colors_res)) {
           $item_color = $colors['item_color'];
           $display_block .= "$item_color<br>";

   //get sizes
   $get_sizes = "select item_size from store_item_size where item_id = $item_id order by item_size";
   $get_sizes_res = mysql_query($get_sizes) or die(mysql_error());

   if (mysql_num_rows($get_sizes_res) > 0) {
       $display_block .= "<P><strong>Available Sizes:</strong><br>";

       while ($sizes = mysql_fetch_array($get_sizes_res)) {
          $item_size = $sizes['item_size'];
          $display_block .= "$item_size<br>";

   $display_block .= "
<? print $display_block; ?>

To view the online store, upload both .php files. name the first one seeStore.php and the second seeItems.php. After uploaded, you can visit the store by calling seeStore.php


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