Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Workshop 5 Working with Objects in PHP


An object is typically a sort of container that consists of
An object in php is similar to a class object in JAVA


class lecturers {
    var $name = "Yann";
    var $subjectcode  = "ITC382" ;
    var $subjectname = "Client Server Applications";

$mylecturer = new lecturers();
echo "My name is ".$mylecturer -> name. " and I teach " .$mylecturer -> subjectcode." " .$mylecturer -> subjectname;


You can also change the properties of an object in the code as illustrated.


class lecturers {
    var $name = "Yann";
    var $subjectcode  = "ITC382" ;
    var $subjectname = "Client Server Applications";

$mylecturer = new lecturers();
echo "My name is ".$mylecturer -> name. " and I teach " .$mylecturer -> subjectcode." " .$mylecturer -> subjectname;

// changing the object properties
echo "<br> This is to relfect the changes in object properties <br>";
$mylecturer -> name = "Sam";
$mylecturer -> subjectcode = "ITC211";
$mylecturer -> subjectname = "Multimedia Systems";

echo "My name is ".$mylecturer -> name. " and I teach " .$mylecturer -> subjectcode." " .$mylecturer -> subjectname;


You can also add methods into your class objects as illustrated.


class displayname {
    function name() {
            echo "My name is Yann " ;

$name = new displayname();
$name  -> name();


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