Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Workshop 7 PHP Sessions


Sessions are unique identifier of a user, which can be used to store and retrieve information attached to the user. Therefore enabling the website to know what the user have seen, browse through etc. The user would need to have cookies enabled for session to work.

1. Initializing a session


echo "<p>Your session ID is ".session_id()."</p>";

Your session id stays the same all the time.

2. Storing and accessing session variables
We'll store the variables first in a separate file


$_SESSION[product1] = "Sonic Screwdriver";
$_SESSION[product2] = "HAL 2000";
echo "The products have been registered.";


Once you have executed this script, run the next script. The above script will attached the data onto session variables.


echo "Your chosen products are:";
echo "<ul><li>$_SESSION[product1] <li>$_SESSION[product2]\n</ul>\n";

3. Destroying sessions and variables. Once executed it would remove the session and the corresponding variables

unset($session[product1]); // Remove product 1 
unset($session[product2]); // Remove product 2 

// This should print nothing 
echo "Your chosen products are:";
echo "<ul><li>$_SESSION[product1] <li>$_SESSION[product2]\n</ul>\n";


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