Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Workshop 8 PHP Working with directories

Working with Files and Folders With PHP


Testing files, lets test for some existence and status of a file called text1.txt


// Checking its existence 
if (file_exists("text1.txt")) { 
    echo "The file text1.txt exists!";

// checking the status of files 
if (is_readable("text1.txt")) {
    echo "The file text1.txt is readable";

if (is_writeable("text1.txt")) { 
    echo "The file text1.txt is writeable";

if (is_executable("text1.txt")) { 
    echo "The file text1.txt is exectuable";

You probably only see "The file text1.txt exists". If you only see this, you will need to chmod the read,write and execute settings on that file.

Reading data from files


$filename = "text1.txt"; 
$fp = fopen($filename, "r") or die ("Could not open $filename"); 
while (!feof($fp)) { // While not end of file 
    $data = fread($fp, 16); // Reading the file in chunkcs of 16 bytes
    echo "$data <br>";

There are multiple ways you can read from a file includes
Fgets() : Reading line by line
Fgetc() : Reading a character

Writing to a file


$filename = "text1.txt"; 
echo "Begin writing to file $filename <br>";
$fp = fopen($filename, "w") or die ("Could not open $filename"); // OPen for writing 
fwrite ($fp, "I'm making changes \n");

If you have trouble writing to the file, it could be a permission setting. Try chmod 777 . This will give all permissions to the file only. Chmod 777 to the directory give all permissions to the directory and not advisable.

Appending to a file


$filename = "text1.txt"; 
echo "Appending to a file $filename <br>";
$fp = fopen($filename, "a") or die ("Could not open $filename"); // OPen for writing 
fputs ($fp, "\n Another thing I want to add  \n");

The file text1.txt will have a new line called Another thing I want to add.


Creating a new directory


mkdir ("testdir", 0755);

If you failed to create a directory, again it usually means you have incorrect permissions settings.

Directory listing


$dirname = ".";
$dn = opendir($dirname) or die ("Could not open directory");

while (!(($file = readdir($dn)) === false ) ) { 
    if (is_dir("$dirname/$file")) { 
    echo "(D) "; // To signify a folder 
echo "$file <br>";
closedir ($dn);


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